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Lawrance, J. (2009). Representations of violence in 15th-century Spanish literature. En J. T. Snow, & R. Wright (Eds.), Late Medieval Spanish Studies in Honour of Dorothy Sherman Severin (pp. 95–103). Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
Lawrance, J. N. H. (1993). On the title "Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea". En A. Deyermond, & J. N. H. Lawrence (Eds.), Letters and Society in Fifteenth-Century Spain: Studies Presented to P. E. Russell on his Eightieth Birthday (pp. 79–92). Llangrannog: Dolphin.
Lawrance, J. (2011). On the Text and Context of "Celestina". En A. D. Deyermond (Ed.), Keith Whinnom after Twenty Years: His Work and Its Influence (pp. 75–94). London: Papers of the Medieval Hispanic Research Seminary.
Lawrance, J. N. H. (1993). "The Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea" and its "moralitie". Celestinesca, 17 (2), 85–110.
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