Palatucci O'Donnell, Kathleen |
"Sentencias" and "Refranes" in "La Celestina": A Compilation, Analysis, and Examination of Their Function |
1994 |
Libro |
Refranes; Sentencias; Autoridad |
Tesis que recoge 543 sentencias y refranes de "Celestina", con información sobre el personaje que los pronuncia, ante quién lo hace, y si sólo aparecen en la "Comedia" o en la "Tragicomedia", o en ambas. Además, se analiza el reparto de las sentencias y los refranes en la obra, ordenándolos por acto, por parsonaje, por tema y otros criterios similares. Esto permite concluir que estos dichos desempeñan una función funcional en la obra, no simplemente decorativa o didáctica, y que este material muchas veces sirve para caracterizar a los personajes, hacer avanzar la trama, generar ironía y, sobre todo, proporcionar un fondo de sabiduría con el que contrastar la estupidez de los personajes. Sin embargo, este trasfondo no contribuye a la finalidad didáctica de la obra, sino que tan sólo ponen de relieve la imposibilidad de confiar en el concepto de autoridad y en las palabras cuando el mundo en sí es caótico y está falto de Dios y moral. Solamente los lectores que no pertenecen a una realidad pervertida de esta manera pueden ver la sabiduría detrás de estas sentencias y refranes y memorizarlas para utilidad suya. [Adaptación del resumen de la autora]
This study lists a total of 543 sentencias and refranes, along with the information described above. In addition, the sayings are organized by the character that said them, and a cross-reference to other lists is provided.
An examination of the definitions of the words sentencia and refran, and related vocabulary, is attempted, as Rojas implies that they belong to different categories, and in order to be certain that only sentencias and refranes are included.
Whereas a list of all the sentencias and refranes in La Celestina may provide much information, we analyze them so as to be able to understand how they are distributed in the work, by act, by speaker, by theme, and so forth. As we examine the role of the paremiological speech, it becomes evident that the sayings have a functional, rather than merely decorative or didactic, role in the events of the dramatic story. In fact, this material is used in many ways--to illuminate character, to help construct the plot, to create irony, and to provide a background of sober, didactic wisdom with which to contrast the folly of the characters.
Finally, we consider the tradition of auctoritas, and its role in a work dominated by a figure like Celestina. Whereas one might doubt Rojas' purpose in including and extolling didactic material such as sentencias when the characters who refer to their wisdom are condemned to death and damnation, we find that the true problem is a rejection of the God-centered moral order, resulting in a chaotic, non-transcendental world in which wise sayings are not reliable. For readers who do not live in this perverse moral structure, however, the guidance of the sentencias is invaluable, and they should be remembered. |