• Del 4581 al 4590 [4813]

WHINNOM, Keith, «La Litterature Exemplaire du Moyen-Age Castillan et l'Hispanisme Britannique», Melanges de la Casa Velázquez, 15 (1979), pp. 594-601.

WHINNOM, Keith, «La Litterature Exemplaire du Moyen-Age Castillan et l'Hispanisme Britannique», Melanges de la Casa Velázquez, 15, (1979), pp. 594-601.

WHINNOM, Keith, «La Litterature Exemplaire du Moyen-Age Castillan et l'Hispanisme Britannique», Melanges de la Casa Velázquez, 15 (1979), pp. 594-601.

WHINNOM, Keith, «Cardona, the Crucifixion and Leridano's Last Drink», en Studies on the Spanish Sentimental Romance (1440-1550). Redefining a Genre, eds. Joseph J. GWARA y E. Michael GERLI, London, Tamesis, 1997, pp. 207-15.

WHINNOM, Keith, «Cardona, the Crucifixion and Leridano's Last Drink», en Studies on the Spanish Sentimental Romance (1440-1550). Redefining a Genre, eds. Joseph J. Gwara y E. Michael Gerli, London, Tamesis, 1997, pp. 207-215.

WHINNOM, Keith, «Cardona, the Crucifixion and Leridano's Last Drink», en Studies on the Spanish Sentimental Romance (1440-1550). Redefining a Genre, eds. Joseph J. GWARA y E. Michael GERLI, London, Tamesis, 1997, pp. 207-215.

WHITING, B. H., «The Origin of the Proverb», Harvard Studies and Notes in Philology and Literature, 13 (1931), pp. 47-80.

WHITING, B. H., «The Origin of the Proverb», Harvard Studies and Notes in Philology and Literature, 13 (1931), pp. 47-80.

WHITING, B. H., «The Origin of the Proverb», Harvard Studies and Notes in Philology and Literature, 13, (1931), pp. 47-80.

WILHEM, Raymund, «Geschichtenerzählen und Lebenspraxis. Funktionen des Erzählens im Conde Lucanor und im Decameron», Romanische Forschungen, 100.1, (1998), pp. 37-67.

Whoops, looks like something went wrong.